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The Altaro API is a RESTful API service which enables clients to connect to an Altaro VM Backup instance and manage the application through a REST service. The vast majority of the functionality which can be carried out through the UI can also be carried out through the API. However, functionality which is not at the Virtual Machine level is not supported by the API. Such functionality includes:

  • Adding and deleting schedules.
  • Adding and deleting backup locations.
  • Adding and deleting notification servers.

Once the above have been configured through the UI, the API can then be used to handle the rest of the functionality, which includes:

  • Enable configuration for Virtual Machines
  • Assign and un-assign Virtual Machines to backup schedules.
  • Assign and un-assign Virtual Machines to backup locations.
  • Get and set advanced Virtual Machine settings.
  • Perform any operation, such as backup, restore, seed-to-disk, and so on.
  • Query for lists, such as Hosts, Virtual Machines, Backup Locations, Backup Schedules, and so on.
  • Query for reports for any operation.